
Team Zombs

Deviation Actions

EveLDoodles's avatar

Literature Text

I just finally edited this, and I’m not sure but I kinda want to do a second chapter….but I’m not too sure. Anyway, here’s the updated version-I'll probably reread over and fix any mistakes sometime this week, but right now I'm bloody sick of typing. Enjoy!


“Hmmmnnn, now who should my weapons expert be?” I mumble aloud, running a hand through my already mussed up hair, staring at the glowing tablet being propped up by a huge pile of some random blankets and pillows. Slamming my face into the mattress, trying to think of the perfect character. I groan a little at the feeling of a couple of springs poking my stomach. I should really just spring, no pun intended, for a new one. It has been years. …Maybe I’ll bring it up with the parents…. After a couple of minutes with my face smushed against my bed in frustration I roll over to face the drab white ceiling.

You see, my best friend, Darcy, showed me this meme that’s been spreading all over the internet, earlier today. Some zombie apocalypse meme. You have to pick seven characters, and of course yourself, that’ll help you in the case of a zombie apocalypse. It’s separated by categories; leader, brains, medic, etc. She made hers-that’s what she showed me. It wasn’t half bad, but she forgot some really useful characters. Not really her fault though, I’m kind of a geek while she’s more ‘normal’. More make-up, gossip, and celebrity news. Ugh, I can’t stand that stuff….It just seems stupid to me… Anyway, Naturally, when I got home from school, I started mine. I breezed my way through the first six, but I just can’t figure out the perfect character to pick for ‘Brawler’…..   Sure I could pick someone like hulk, but it would be difficult to move around as a team through different situations-seeing as he’s sooo huge when he’s Hulk. Plus it would also depend on which Hulk. Can he go to and fro Hulk and Bruce easily? What sets him off? Just how much control does Bruce have over Hulk? Too many variables, even for a theoretical zombie situation. I just KNOW I can pick a more suitable character…

With a sigh, I flop off of my bed. Well, it is Friday-I don’t hafta finish this right now. I have Saturday and Sunday to finish it. Just hafta finish it before I see Darcy again..

Stumbling over to my messy dresser I hear some mewling from the hallway. I glance at the clock sitting on my dresser, ignoring the fact that my Darth Vader action figure is knocked over yet again, probably due to my brother, and shake my head at the display. It’s only four in the evening and he’s already making a fuss? ”Vlad, it is NOT dinner yet!” I yell in response. Vlad is a stray cat that our family took in a while ago, big chubby guy with crazy whiskers. He took a liking to me, and ever since I’ve been in charge of feeding him. Man, that cat would willingly eat himself into a coma if he had the food to. Within a couple minutes of fumbling through my organized mess on my dresser I find my trusty brush and pull my long brown hair up into a messy ponytail. Good enough. I should probably cut it soon though-it’s already halfway down my back, like a curly half cape. After a few more pathetic mewls from Vlad I sigh and turn to leave my room, bumping into a pile of books I had piled to be organized. Nipping the corner of the stack with my hip. A hiss escapes my lips and my hand shoot to my side, damn that stings. My clumsiness will be the death of me..

A quick string of curses fly from my mouth before bending over to pick them up. That’s definitely gonna leave a nice bruise. Like I needed any more of those. With how pale I am, and my clumsiness factor, I’m destined to never wear shorts or skirts comfortably.

Well on the plus side, jeans are pretty comfortable, so it’s not that big a deal.

Getting to the last few books my eyes fall upon an old series that I used to love and I can feel the light bulb just appear over my head. That’s it!

I practically jump unto my bed, a grin plastered on my face. I have found my Brawler. Thanks to the Cirque Du freak series. Vancha March! I mean, his character didn’t seem to have any problems spilling blood-as long as it wasn’t innocent blood. Plus he’s heavily built, so he has the muscle. A love of shurikens and other pretty good zombie killing weapons-AND he’s a friggin vampire. So he’d be harder to injure, have super speed-((Thank you Darren Shan))-and,kinda gross, healing spit. Perfect for an apocalypse scenario!  

Still grinning like an idiot, I spend the next evening in my room finishing the meme, playing some Halo and falling asleep watching some Walking dead reruns on my tablet. Normal routine, for the most part. I’ve always been a night owl.

The weekend passes in a blur. With my family leaving to go to a museum I have the ability to draw some fanart that I’ve had stuck in my brain, talk with friends, game, and relax. Almost perfect, but way to fast…weekends like that should drag on. With all of the crappy Mondays and Fridays that have to be trudged through that do the same, it’s only fair.

The following Monday in school, I show Darcy my freshly made meme on the way to the cafeteria. I’m a vegan and don’t really eat at the cafeteria much, but Darcy and I haven’t had much time to chat. A lot of the teachers called in sick, so classes are all kinds of mixed up-and as a result I was shuffled into different ones than her. Stupid school with it’s lack of planning.

“Soooo, “ She paused, looking at it on her glowing smartphone screen. Lucky her, I just have a cheap phone. I don’t even usually bring it to school. “Why isn’t there Daryl Dixon in there?” She asks, feigning the voice of a young, innocent child. I rolled my eyes. She is such a bloody fangirl. I get enjoying a character but she drools over him. Her room is practically a giant shrine to him. She even refuses to read the comics because his character doesn’t exist in that universe. Needless to say, I definitely regret showing her the show. “I mean, he is awesome at killing zombs.” She added pointedly, tucking her phone away and grabbing a lunch tray.

“Well, I just think that the characters that I picked are better,” I paused for a second, contemplating how I was going to end the sentence on a less ‘I thought of better characters than you’ note. She was boring holes into my soul for even mentioning that there is any character better than her precious Daryl Dixon. “–suited for the apocalypse. And for fighting Zombs.” I finished smoothly. The fire in her baby blue eyes died down a touch, and she cracked a smile. We’ve called zombies zombs since we first got into the horror genre. Well, since I first had her watch a pg-13 horror movie, to the dismay of her overly protective mother. I actually accidentally said zombs during a sleepover and it just kinda stuck. Darcy sighed theatrically at my response.

“I just think that he’d be better than Dean Winchester.” She stated, nonchalantly waving her free hand, now in the actual line to get food. I was outside the line, by her side. She knew that I’d want to go outside and we’d hafta split up soon. I blinked. Better than Dean Winchester? Never!

“Well, agree to disagree…” I mumbled, hands rested on my hips. She giggled in response.

“Hey, speaking of zombs,” She started while stepping forward, twirling her shoulder length blond hair. “Didja hear about the attack?” I shook my head and frowned, recalling something about a crazy over the weekend. Honestly nothing new, in the spectrum of things. Same shit, different day. I couldn’t quite recall the details though.

“Some crazy person started a fight with some drunk for pissing on his car,” She lowered her voice and leaned towards me. “and got ripped apart.” I scoffed. “No! It’s true. Guy’s in the ER, apparently. Missing bits of his face even!”

Shrugging, I responded,”Well, he was drunk. I would wager drugs wouldn’t be a surprise.” She huffed in response, tray full of food in hand. “Well, I’m gonna go eat my lunch-enjoy yours!” I said, pulling the TARDIS lunch box out of my messenger bag and giving it a shake. She smiled as I turned.

“Just don’t get eaten by Zombs, lady!” I heard her exclaim from behind me as I made my way out side. I fought rolling my eyes in response. psshhh, as if.

The rest of the school day went by pretty smoothly. It was short, due to the lack of teachers to actually teach, so I made my way to a local park to sketch. My parents and brother wouldn’t be home yet anyway. My dad has work until past dinner, mom is taking my little brother to his classes-which run around the same time.. Perfect. I made my way to a nice looking tree and sat down. Sketching random things for around an hour, for practice. Trees, some passerby’s, a patch of flowers. Eventually I started yawning and decided to lay down. It wouldn’t kill me to catch a few Z’s…

Yelling. I jolt awake, thinking I’m back in my room and my mom is screaming for me. As I rub my eyes, I jump up, staring at the scene in front of me, trying not to puke. On the path that runs through the park just ahead of me is a women and two men. The women looks to be in her mid thirties, all dressed for a probably boring business job, screaming her head off. The guys look to be in their twenties. Both look like they’re bikers, donning those ugly-ass shorts and helmets. They’re tearing into her, like she’s a Thanksgiving meal. Biting and clawing. My hand raises to cover my mouth and I take a step back, slinging my messenger bag over my shoulder. Oh my glob. The screaming quickly turns into some sort of intense gurgling. Blood now stains the outside of her mouth. She’s barely moving anymore, but the sickening sounds coming from her mouth proves she’s still just barely there. I blink a couple of times, slowly bringing my hands to my face and rubbing them. A feeble attempt at making sure I’m not imagining things. Nope still there. I watch, frozen and mesmerized. As this scene unfolds, Biker guy number one turns to get a better angle on his victim and I notice that he has a hole blown into his side, entrails strung out like some sort of twisted yarn ball mess. What the fuck!? The gurgling dies down. I take one step behind me. They don’t notice. Too busy eating, I guess.  

One more step.


Their heads snap in my direction. Fucking branch! Without having to take another breath I spin on my heels and haul ass. Fuck this! I don’t need to turn to see, I can hear their heavy footsteps and panting behind me, trailing me, hunting me. By the time I pass the entrance of the park I’m huffing and wheezing like crazy. Now don’t get me wrong, I am the last person to pick for a marathon, but I do exercise some. Meanwhile the crazies behind me haven’t faulted at all. For a second my brain spouts out a quick ‘I’ll have what they’re taking!’…
..On second thought, maybe not such a great idea..

I run straight towards the street. I’ve seen in specials and shit that mention the first thing you should do when you’re being chased by anyone is to make a scene. Draw attention to yourself. That way if you go missing people can find you easier. Tears sting my eyes as I look back at my pursuers. Still there. Just before I can get to the road someone else running clips me, screaming like a madman. A guy in a dress shirt and slacks. I gasp and look around, still running along as fast as I can. Passing a wrecked car my eyes bulge. Holy shit. Cars are wrecked, some windows I pass are broken, and people are…  running? Turning a corner I squint and look into the majority of the city lying in front of me, focusing on the blurs. People are being chased by other crazies. A couple of bodies are just lying on the ground. my eyes shut and I swallow hard. Please let this be some sort of weird hallucinations. Not paying attention to where I was going, trying to process what was happening and not attract the attention of any other crazies, I quickly ended up in an alley. Fuck!

I looked around for anything I could use as a weapon. Nothing. All I could hear was groans and panting coming from the end of the alley, getting louder. My head shoots up to look at the bikers. It looks like they found some friends. A five year old boy all dressed for the preppy school that lies on the other side of the city and what looks like some sort of city worker. Both riddled with bullet and stab wounds. The boy, however, also has some sort of wound to his eye-blood staining the right half of his face. I return to searching for anything to use as a weapon, but the alley is pretty empty-just some paper garbage. Fuck! As they get closer, they slow down, as if taking pleasure in the fact that I’m just trapped here. A moan escapes my lips. This is it. This is how I, Rachel, will die. In some random alley. Eaten by crazies. As I’m sending mental prayers to my deities, a light pierces at the other end of the alley, rushing by. Probably some poor sap crashing. My attackers pause just a little farther than an arms length away from me, ready to pounce. My eyes snap close, knowing what comes next.

The sound of a very loud engine being revved, the screech of tires pushing against asphalt, sick heavy thudding. A red glow on the inside of my eyelids. My body freezes for a solid ten seconds. Nothing. No pain. Opening my eyes, I gasp, and squint against the blinding light.

“WOOO, TASTE THAT YOU UNDEAD BASTARDS!” A somewhat familiar voice bellows triumphantly. I try to look at the voice, but my eyes are recovering from the assault that they’ve just had to endure. “Hey!,” He yells in my direction. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I answer, rubbing my eyes. They burn, reminding me of when I was younger and decided trying to look directly at the sun was a good idea. “Well, I think I might be blinded but other than that….Just peachy!” I add bitterly, now looking up to avoid the glaring light.

“Oh! Here, let me get that..” He chuckled lightly and the light disappeared just as quickly as it came. Ugh, my eyes do not like that. Too dark! After a couple of seconds of rubbing my eyes I lowered my hands and looked around. Holy crap!-or, more aptly, son of a bitch! Right in front of me, maybe a foot was the front of a too familiar black impala, and sitting inside, staring at me from the drivers side, head sticking out the open window with concern was the spitting image of Dean Winchester. Best cosplay ever!….even the voice…

“Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?” The stranger asked, eyeballing me. I quickly looked at myself and saw the blood spatter on my legs, thanks to the crazies. My cheeks get warm at the realization that I must look like a serious mess. My eyes trailing down to the front of the beautiful car I shuddered, seeing the bodies underneath it, blood pooling under the front tires. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He commented, and I shook my head slowly, and walked up closer to the window. He sat back down in the seat, looking at me with a straight face. I guess this hasn’t shaken him up much…He must be REALLY in his character. Props to him.

“Were you on the way to a con when this happened?” I gestured under the beautiful car to the remains of my pursuers.

“No…” He trailed, looking thrown off and sounding confused by my question. I stood there in silence for a while, thoughts drifting to my parents and brother. Vlad, even. Are they okay? This thing is obviously all throughout the city. What if it’s near my dad’s work? Did they hide? What if they didn’t make it? I hafta call them! My hands lurched for the messenger bag next to me, digging for my phone. My eyes went wide. My chest clenched. No phone! It must’ve fell out at the park or on the way here…! Closing my eyes, I exhaled a heavy, shaky breath. Okay, so I’m stuck in a part of the city I’m never in, zombies are attacking and I can’t even phone home. Fucking lovely.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, interrupting my angry and panicked train of thought. “Ummm, so who are you?” I bit my lip, staring at him. Normally I wouldn’t respond. Hello stranger danger…But he did just save me, and given the current scenario to hell with it. There seems to be a lot worse things that can happen to me at the moment. “I’m Rachel. But people call me Rach. You?” I queried, eyebrow lifted in curiosity.

“Dean,” He replied with a smile. I suppressed a chuckle. Suuuure, buddy. Hey, maybe that’s how he’s dealing with this-I’ve read a TON of articles where people who have seen some serious things, like war veterans, cope with things like this. Hell, I remember when my little bro, Micheal, had to have a tooth pulled a little over a year ago. He pretended he was Captain America. Even dressed in his ridiculous costume! Must be this guys coping mechanism…..can’t say I blame him. I wish I could pretend I’m Katniss or Michonne right about now. But that still doesn’t seem right. This guy is waaay too calm…

“Do you know what’s going on?” I asked, trying to sort this out. That might explain the level of chill the stranger’s emitting.

“Well, as far as I can tell people are attacking other people. Dead people.” He explained, like it was as simple as talking about the news.

“Zombs!” I groaned, not wanting to believe it. Of course, that would fit. Everything about those bicycle crazies and everyone else I passed screamed zombie apocalypse. No living human could just walk around with bullet holes, drugs or not. “Really?” I squeaked, mentally slapping myself for  not sounding more composed.

“Yup,” He chuckled at what I called them. “Zombies. I think Zombs are good too though, shorter…” I shifted my feet, staring at the dirty concrete beneath them. What was I going to do? No way I’ll last long without any weapons, and I don’t really know any self defense moves. When I was six I used to take a karate class, but that was eleven years ago. No way I remember any of that. I’m basically a target. A meaty, delicious target. 'Ironic, seeing as how you hate eating that crap.’ A laugh echoed in my brain.

“Well, you want to ride with me? I can take you to your family, if they’re still-” He stopped himself as my eyes snapped up at him, my fists clenched, realizing what he was considering. I frowned and looked down. A pang of sadness punching me in the gut. That’s right, they might be dead. Hopefully they made it to the house. That would be awesome.

“Sure,” I mumbled solemnly, not wanting to think of what I might find, jumping into the car.

“So, what’s your last name?” I questioned, now focused on the Supernatural look-alike. Well, part of it was to break the silence that has been going. While the hum of baby’s engine is oddly calming, my head’s screaming for answers. Seriously, what are the odds of stumbling onto a cosplayer here? Let alone one not anywhere near Halloween. This city doesn’t even hold a con. Believe me, I’d know.

“Why do you need to know?” He countered suspiciously, speeding around a corner, narrowly avoiding a crowd of zombs. The paper I scribbled my address on minutes earlier slid on the dashbaord in front of him, almost falling off. I crossed my arms stubbornly.

“Seriously, what’s your last name? It’s important.” I urged. “Besides, you know mine.” He shot me a quick sideways glance and I raised my eyebrow in suspicion.

Maybe I should’ve been listening to stranger danger..

Returning his eyes back to the road, he shifted a little bit in his seat, seemingly contemplating telling me. After a moment or two he finally breathed out. “Winchester.” I jumped in my seat. No fucking way. Dean Winchester? Pffft, No. This isn’t even funny.

“Yeah right, and you have a little brother named Sam who went to college before having to be involved in ‘family business’,“ I paused for effect and made air quotes at the last couple of words. ”-and you have an angel for a friend-wait, lemme guess, you’ve also been to hell right? Multiple times?” I laughed, staring out into the terror rushing by outside. Fine, if he doesn’t want to tell me, then I don’t care. I have more important things on my mind. Suddenly the car lurched. My head snapped towards 'Dean’.

“How did you-” He gasped. I snorted at his response. “You can stop pranking me dude. Did Darcy put you up to this, because I swear-”

“Who are YOU, how do you know about my brother!? And Cass!??” He exclaimed, eyes glaring into my soul, anger in his features. I raised my hands in the air innocently, not taking an eye off of him. This is flipping weird.

“Ummm, TV…?” I trailed, flinching from the fire in his eyes. He growled in disbelief at my response.

“No, I mean it! Well, that and books!”

“Shit!” He muttered, eyes getting a smidge bigger. “…Really?” I nodded, muscles relaxing as I saw him calm down a little, the fire in his eyes dying down. Within seconds his eyes settled back on the road ahead. Okay, if this is an act it’s a really good one. The look he gave me...he seemed genuinely concerned there. Like, he meant it. Even crazies don’t put that much effort into everything. Plus the car... I looked from the window to my hands resting on my lap. Everything in the car seems to match the show. Everything. What the actual hell? This can’t be real...

“How are you here!?….am I going crazy…?” I contemplated aloud. First zombs, now this? After stealing a look, and seeing my face, Dean sighed.

“Some weird-ass ancient demon magic..“ He waved his left hand off of the wheel in obvious exasperation. ”..Sam and I were hunting and I kinda drove through a portal.“ He stopped, his features turning to stone and what seemed like sadness dancing in his eyes for a split second. Maybe something happened to Sam..

"And…?” I urged on, taking everything in. Maybe this caused the whole Zombs thing to occur…
Using his left hand again, he rubbed his temple, sped up, and continued.

“It closed before Sam could get here. From what I’ve seen, and I’ve been here for about ten hours, this place is exactly like the world I was in before I went through the portal.” My head was spinning as he skillfully drove down the streets, turning to face me to explain to me his situation when the street looked clear.

“So…You’re real?” I asked shakily after hearing his answer, trying to wrap my head around this. Normally I’d chalk this up as a mentally unstable person, but seeing as zombs now exist-who am I to disbelieve him? Plus, it makes sense. Well, kinda. In a weird-fanfiction sort of way. He ran a hand through his short brown hair. I almost smiled at the familiar action.

“Yup, looks that way. I didn’t run into these zombs until a couple of hours ago though, so I’m guessing it’s not normally all ‘Night of the living dead’ in this world.” I nodded in reply and smiled when I saw my street come into view. Almost there.

“No, no zombs here normally. Just boring crap mostly….Good thing you came through the portal with Baby, or you’d be in more trouble.” I smiled, smacking the dashboard playfully. He smirked at the action.
"So what are you going to-” I stopped mid-sentence, seeing his smile disappear into a tight poker face.

“Were your family in the house?” He asked quietly, shadows in his eyes. I bit my lip and turned from him to the window, my breath leaving a mark on the glass. That was a good question.

“Mom, dad, and my brother, Micheal, was out of the house. But if this emergency started I’m sure they’d come to the house. My dad was big into–” I froze, my heart momentarily stopping. Staring at a familiar building quickly approaching. My home. It was on fire. flames billowed out of every widow. “--Survival....” No! Tears sprung to my eyes and Dean stopped the car just in front of it. There’s no way that anyone is in there. No one alive, anyway.

“I’m sorry kiddo.” Dean apologized after what felt like a solid ten minutes of staring and the beautiful and destructive flames, laying a hand on my shoulder. “Are you sure that they’d be here?” He pushed.

“Yes.” I sobbed, tears staining my face. Glob, my lungs hurt like they’ve been tied up with a chain. “My dad was big into the survival crap. We had drills-” I stopped, staring numbly at my house, thinking of the first time that dad mentioned how smart it would be to have something survival set up in the basement, shakily sobbing. I buried my face in my hands. After a couple of minutes, I could hear the car start up again. I didn’t care. It didn’t matter. They were dead. Or worse. One of the Zombs.

We, well Dean, decided that we should get out of the city. We couldn’t do anything if we were dead. It was a long and quiet drive, for the most part. After some convincing by Dean I finally stopped crying. Maybe they were safe. I really couldn’t be sure-it’s not like I could’ve ran into the house. They might’ve stopped at a store and holed up, or stayed with a group of people. Plus the government is gonna set up safe houses. They have to.

I’ll find them later, They’ll be fine..My new inner mantra.

By now it was dusk, on the edge of the city, and I was staring ahead. The toll taken on the buildings so far was crazy. I lost count of all of the broken windows and doors. All of the zombie shows and flicks I’ve seen couldn’t prepare me for any of this. All on day one.

All of a sudden something appeared in front of the car. Just appeared, not ran or jumped. Dean swerved out of the way and quickly parked Baby on a section of sidewalk, swearing angrily. That was close. We could’ve lost the vehicle. That would’ve sucked some serious balls.

“There’s weapons in the back.” He assured and with a nod, after calming down, and I followed him. I wasn’t in the mood to add that I already knew just about everything about the legendary car. He handed me a small pistol and a couple of daggers. Too tired to mention that I’ve never shot a gun before. I’ll bring it up the next time this happens. Besides, I always have the knives to use. Just as long as I don’t pull a 'oh I’m so scared I’m going to stab you in the chest like a noob’ if I stumble upon a zomb, I’ll be fine. Just gotta aim for the head.
Luckily, there were no zombs nearby. They must still be feeding inside the actual city, where there’s fresh food, but whatever appeared in front of the car was still standing in the middle of the road.

As we neared the tall black-suited creature I nearly dropped my weapon.

“Are you kidding me!??” I screamed in disbelief, making Dean jump. He turned to me, surprised by my actions. Not like the creature cared. He just stood there, head cocked in intrigue. Then without warning three figures ran out from behind a older empty building. Racing towards the standing figure. Dean started to run back to the car and grabbed my arm. I stayed planted to the ground.

“We should bail!” He exclaimed. “We’re outnumbered, it’d be pretty stupid to start a fight. Let them hurt each other.” I just shrugged him off, watching the situation in exasperation and amazement. The three figures were now trying to take down the creature. Attacking skilled and swiftly, but he just brushed it off.

Taking a step forward, I heard Dean groan in protest. I knew what I had to do, an impossible plan swirling within my head.

“Oi!!!” I screamed, stopping the fighting figures, trying to summon my inner Donna Noble. They froze. All heads turned to me and I nervously cleared  my throat. I hate speaking to more than a couple of people, I’ve always been rubbish at it. Seems even the apocalypse won’t change that. Dean stood behind me, ready to strike, not willing to let me get hurt. “Stop fighting!! I know who you guys are!”

A sudden static filled my senses and I dropped to the ground, wincing in pain and holding my head. The loudest noise that I have ever had the pleasure of hearing boomed and echoed through my skull. I could hear the echoes of Dean calling my name. With a ton of effort, I swatted at him-trying to calm him down.

“What do you know of me, mortal!?” A voice boomed from within my brain. Deep and ominous. If nightmares had a voice, this was it.

“I know that you’re the Slenderman, and I know that you probably don’t like this zombie problem.“ I could feel the static tense at my words. Ignoring the hot pins and needles pain in my skull, I pressed on. "You want it fixed, and we might do that.” I yelled the rest without meaning to, and the static stopped as quick as it came. Before I could even think about getting up, a scaly three fingered hand grabbed my shoulder and hauled me up.

“Are you okay?” A light voice asked. I looked up to the purple banded turtle holding me up and smiled, knowing that he wouldn’t harm me. At least, I hope.
"Back off of her, yokai demon thing!” Dean yelled, and lunged forward. I sighed and jumped in front of the mutant, arms spread wide. Dean froze.

“Back off dean,“ I scowled and turned around to face the confused looking turtle. ”-and I’m fine Donnie,” I answered and he gasped lightly at hearing me say his name.
”-Yes, I know who you are.” I waved him off before he could ask any questions. Thanks to Slendy my head was pounding.

“So he’s good. They’re good?” Dean growled lightly from behind me, eyebrows raised, ready to break a few heads.

“Yes. No weapons, ok?” I answered quickly and focused on the last two people, just a touch behind Donnie. One with green hair, dressed in purple animal hides and one with red hair and a huge scar along the left side of his face. “Hi Larten and Vancha.” Vancha’s eyes bulged, and Larten stared me down, a mixture of concern and curiosity etched in his features.

“How do you know who we are?” Larten questioned.

“Long story,” I smiled. “But I’m an alley-not an enemy,ok?” I answered truthfully, making a harmless gesture with my hands. Both of the vampires looked from me to each other, then nodded hesitantly. Pushing Donnie away, I looked at the group of characters in front of me, not believing it. Just like the stupid meme I made. Well, almost. How?

“Well,” Slenderman’s voice blasted. “I’m going to leave.” He stated in his normal emotionless tone. Kinda like a robot. A demon, child-eating robot. I shivered without meaning too. Creepy!

“Wait!” I nearly screeched. He paused. “I think we should team up.” Dean chuckled at my suggestion.

“And why might you think that, little girl?” Slendy questioned, turning to me. If he had eyes, I think they’d be boring through my soul right now.

“Well,” I squeaked, pulling Donnie towards me, an almost shield to the towering being. Man Slendy is HUGE. The fanart does no justice. “This turtle right here is a bloody genius-he could help this whole zombie problem. And Dean has weapons. Vancha and Larten over there have healing spit-plus they’re fast and experienced fighters. We stand a chance here. We could try making a cure-stopping all this.”

We stood there for a few moments in utter silence.
Finally Slendy nodded.

“Better than just wandering, I suppose.” He commented. “And I am not enjoying having my prey ripped from me without consent.” He added, his mouth splitting into a ferocious smile.

“Are you sure that this is…okay?” Dean asked my silently, his hand rested tightly on the knife resting in his pocket. I smiled and nodded.
“Yes, believe it or not, I actually know about this. I don’t know how or why…but I do…” I pursed my lips, trying to sound confident.
With that Dean headed towards the car, and Donnie helped me walk to him, my legs still a little shaky from the mind invasion. Larten and Vancha were following close behind.


Our heads snapped towards the sound of metal grinding and gleeful screams. At the noise Dean pulled a shotgun out of the open trunk, at the ready, and Vancha pulled out a few bloody shurikens from his belt.

“No, no, no, it shouldn’t be making that noise….maybe if I sonic this?” A second, brittish, voice declared as something came speeding towards us. I smiled and stepped in front of Dean, arms outstretched. Okay, please be who I think you are!

“Hey-they could be baddies.” He objected. I frowned and shook my head. I know exactly who they are. Turning to Vancha I eyeballed his throwing stars.

“NO, I know who these people are too…Somehow.” At that Vancha lowered his throwing stars and calmed a touch. With the bags under his eyes, I have a feeling he’s been fighting for awhile, getting tired of fighting and surprises.

The cart slowed to right next to us and I beamed. Yes!

“Awwwwww! I thought you said you can make it go longer! You owe me two tacos and a stack of comics.” The red-suited figured said, poking at another figure, top half in the cart-where the hotdogs or other goodies should’ve been stored. I giggled at both his comment and the sound of the all too familiar sonic screwdriver.

“Well, if you just let me-” The second stranger started, kicking the air in frustration.

“Well, hai!!. Names Deadpool.” The red-suited anti-hero stated gleefully, now looking at me-well the whole group. I blinked.

“OMIGOSH YOU TOO!?!???” I jumped unto him, toppling him over the cart. He chuckled. I hugged him and jumped up. “Sorry,” I started, rubbing the back of my neck. My face heating up a little in embarrassment, I continued. “It’s just—” He put a hand over my mouth, cutting me off mid-sentence.

“No need to apologize, my good lady. I have many fans-no one can resist…” He struck a pose close to that of a corny sixties superhero. “…The DEADPOOLIO~!” I turned around, feeling a hand on my back, and saw the second figure. I froze in place as he spoke, my not so inner fangirl dying happy.

“Well, hello there. Nice to meet you-I’m the Doctor!” I nodded furiously, my cheeks hurting from all of the smiling. The tenth Doctor is one of my favorite Doctors in the whole series! “I know!” I squeaked, causing him to smile and cock his head.

“That’s not a proper name.” Donny noted, the whole group surrounding the cart-contraption. Except for Slendy. He just stood in the background, watching everyone blankly.

“It’s his name.” I replied quickly, before Deadpool started up in the background. Asking a ton of questions and poking at people. With a forced smile, I motioned for them to ignore him as I began.

“We’re going to work towards a cure. I don’t suppose you have your TARDIS, do you Doctor?” I asked hopefully. That would solve things a helluva lot quicker. He probably has a lab somewhere in there. Frick, he probably had LABS. With that, and Donnie working with the Doctor, this whole thing could be over in hours. He frowned and shook his head sadly. My heart dropped. So much for that.

“No, she’s missing…I just got here actually. I was checking out the most interesting planet-now destroyed of, sadly, not because of me mind you-when I was just suddenly here. Next to that red fellow.” The doctor turned to look and motion at Deadpool, who was playing with Vancha’s Animal skins. Vancha growled. Clearing my throat, I asked Deadpool if he could keep watch by the car. He left with the promise of home made pancakes and chimichangas when this whole deal was over.

“Well, at least you have the sonic,” I noted, pointing towards the device in his hands. He chuckled and tossed it from one hand to another. “Yeah, it’s come in handy. That’s for sure!…..So, can I join you guys?-I might be able to help you find a solution to this,” He paused, looking like he swallowed some sour lemons. “Zombie issue.” I smiled. Of course he doesn’t want to call them zombies, he is the Doctor. A man of science. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Of course, Doctor-the more the merrier!”

“Buuut,” He started, pointing his sonic at me nonchalantly. “Just how do you know who I am.” He took a step closer to me, inspecting me. I forced a smile.“I mean, you don’t seem to spark any sort of recollection in this brain of mine, buut we must’ve met if you’re this calm.” He paused, now kind of squinting at me. “And you don’t ask questions…so why?”
I took a step back and a breath, trying to figure out what I should say. It’s not like I actually know him. Well, not for reals, anyway.
“It’s hard to explain..” I trailed, pursing my lips. What to say? Lightbulb! “…it’s all very wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey…I’ll explain it to you later, ok?” I asked, a faint smile playing at my face. He grinned and nodded, putting his sonic back into his pocket.

“AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” A piercing wail sounded through the air, making me jump. We all ran towards the sound of Deadpool screaming, ready to attack. I facepalmed at the sight.

Deadpool was hanging from one of the Slenderman’s tentacles, all droopy and shouty. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
“Seriously?” I asked the faceless creature. “Aren’t you supposed to be old and wise and crap?”

“He attacked me.” Slendy stated blankly. I sighed and rubbed my temples at his answer. Are you freaking kidding me?

“Put him down now, please Slends.” I requested curtly and Slendy dropped him with a scoff.

“Great,” Larten commented. “We have not even left the city and someone is already dead.” Vancha sighed. I ran up to Deadpool.

“It’s okay Rach, we can always bury him-” Dean started, his voice somewhat hushed. I have a feeling that he doesn’t want to hafta bury anyone. Not now. Not without Sam.

“No,” I cut him off sternly, standing over Deadpool. “Just give it a minute.” Everyone stared at me, with confused and sympathetic looks. I looked down to Deadpool. C’mon, I know that you’re not dead. Slendy or not. Not now. If Dean has baby, and the Doctor has his Sonic, then you hafta have your healing factor. I sat down beside his lifeless figure, staring intently.

One minute. Silence.

Two minutes. Silence.

Three minutes–

“Hey, Rachel, Why don’t you–” Donnie started slowly, his voice quiet, reaching out to me-only to be cut off by Deadpool’s coughing and gasping.

“Well, that’s interesting.” The Doctor commented, kneeling down beside Deadpool. You could see the flesh knitting back togetherin the hole that was in his chest. I stood back up and smiled. Yes! I knew it!

“How~ the Shell?” Donnie asked, watching Deadpool get up. Slendy was tilting his head, obviously contemplating what just happened. Deadpool was most certainly grinning under his mask at their reactions.

“Long story, but to make it short-he,” I wave my hand over Deadpool’s twitching figure. “Doesn’t die. Well, he does. but he comes back.”

“Odd.” Slenderman stated, staring Deadpool down. “and curious..”

At Slendy’s voice, Deadpool jumped up and streched.
“I just wanted to touch his tentacles!!” Deadpool protested like a five year old denied ice cream. “They look sooo soft.~” He rubbed his hands along the front of his face, turning to Slendy. I rolled my eyes at the anti-hero’s behavior. Slendy shuddered, taking a step back. I had to suppress a giggle. The Slenderman was creeped out by Deadpool!

I looked at the two quiet vampires ahead of me, and made my way over to them. Leaving the rest of the group to talk with Deadpool.

“You don’t seem that surprised at what just happened.” I noted. I knew Dean would be pretty used to odd shit, but the elder pair of vampires never went through this kinda weird crap. Well, not in the books. The Doctor and Donnie lived through this type of stuffs, so no worries there. Vancha shrugged my observation off.

“I guess it’s not the craziest thing I’ve seen.” Vancha said. “When you live with a witch…” I mentally facepalmed. Oh right, he lived with Evanna! I totally forgot.

“As for me, I have traveled with a freak show. Really these ‘zombies’ surprise me more than some odd looking people with different abilities.” Larten answered. Well, I can’t blame him. The only downside is the fact that Deadpool is probably gonna annoy the crap outta everyone. BUT he can be used as bait, as long as he’s not bitten. So there’s that. Turning around, I grabbed Deadpool’s arm-stopping him from getting closer to Slendy, who he was edging up on again. Probably to try and touch the creature again. He froze and turned and my touch, shrugging my hand off.

“Okay, if you want to come with us, help us find a cure then you can come along,” He eyed me. “but what did we learn today?”

“Always wear armor when you fight the Slenderman?” Deadpool answered giddily. Vancha chuckled at the response. I put my hands on my hips. If we hafta travel together and create a cure, there’s no way I’m going to let them bicker like children the entire time.

“Deadpool, for real bruh.” I stated, glaring into his soul. He flinched and looked down, like a kid being disciplined.

“Don’t mess with the Slenderman.” He muttered. I nodded happily and smiled.

“Yup, let’s just try not to egg people on, okay?…you always have the voices in your head~” I added, slapping him on the back.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about those!” He smiled, and we all made our way to the car. Deadpool muttering to himself the whole way.

As the roar of Baby’s engine started up I sighed, looking at my new crew.
Vancha and Dean were swapping stories like a couple of old war buddies, The Doctor and Donnie were starting to talk about probable causes for the zombs outbreak, Deadpool was alternating between talking to himself and poking at Larten-points to Larten, who was ignoring him like a pro. I guess he needed that skill if he had to deal with Darren, but still-pretty impressive.

We all agreed that Slendy could teleport along the car, since he can’t exactly fit in baby. The Creepypasta hastily agreed. I have a feeling he doesn’t like human stuff. Well, cars in the least. He also seemed grateful to be away from any unnecessary noise or the curiosity of Deadpool.

As we passed yet another wreck images floated through my mind. My friends, my family, all of the good memories that this city has held for me. I just hope that my family is safe. I don’t know how this happened or why this happened, but one thing’s for sure, this is gonna be an interesting journey.

Me and my zombs team.
So, I updated it, and I think I may be doing a second chapter, but I'm not sure...What do you guys think?

Writing prompt;  You make a ‘Zombie Apocalypse Meme’ and post it online. Days later, the zombie apocalypse happens, and the fictional characters that you picked come to your aid.
View the meme from the story, and my ultimate zombie team here;…
© 2015 - 2024 EveLDoodles
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Crashstone's avatar
OK.Chiyo Fangirling Icon 
bravo and congrats my friend, this is DEFINATELY one of the best crossovers I have ever read. And it's only a start as well! Fangirlism Now I'd like to find out how it ends! How to fix the zombs, how the mismatched crew doesn't end up killing each ther, if the family is alive and how on earth this is going to end. 
Rally an exciting plot idea!